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Project Management in Av Operations_Module 8 Case Study

Project Management in Av Operations_Module 8 Case Study

Q 1. Bob is demonstrating what behaviors with respect to valuing team diversity? What are some alternative choices for what Brad can do next? What should he do?2. What should any of the team members do? 3. What could be done to improve the climate for diversity in this case? 4. What do you think Bob’s direct supervisor would do if she were aware of Bob’s actions?

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Discrimination signs are definitely shown by Bob against team members of their own. The wide diversity range does not appeal to Bob. It is believed by Bob that the team weight is required to be carried by him with Bill. Nothing is there of the team in common as far as appearance, gender, the status of the job, race, age, ethnicity, health, parental and marital status, religious association for this project. Bob’s team members are grouped by him in this manner. Discrimination is done by him ultimately. He is guilty of labeling, insulting, discrimination, closed-mindedness, ridiculing, and harassment.